March 29, 2018

Ask the Registrar: I heard about new regulations regarding door-to-door sales and standard lease agreements. How do these apply to me?

Door-to-door sales

As of March 1, 2018, Ontario has banned unsolicited door-to-door sales of certain household appliances, such as furnaces and water heaters. These types of door-to-door sales were a leading source of complaints to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

The new regulations do not apply to door-to-door solicitation for the purchase or sale or real estate. To learn more, visit the Ministry’s website.

Standard lease agreements

Starting April 30, 2018, new leases for houses, apartment buildings, condominiums and secondary units must use a standardized lease agreement from the Ontario government.

Landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities remain the same under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006.

The standard lease is designed to help landlords and renters understand their rights and responsibilities and reduce misunderstandings, the use of illegal terms, and the need for Landlord and Tenant Board hearings to resolve disputes.

Registrants who facilitate a lease that is signed on or after April 30 should ensure that the standard agreement is used.

Learn more and download the standard lease form.