October 23, 2017

RECO announces new CEO

I am very pleased to announce that RECO has appointed Michael Beard as its new CEO, effective November 6th.

Michael most recently served as President and CEO of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) and was previously TSSA’s VP, Operations. He brings with him a strong regulatory background, familiarity with the Delegated Administrative Authority model, and knowledge of how to lead an organization with a wide array of stakeholders.

He also has a solid history of business leadership and management, both in Canada and the USA, with organizations such as Bell and United Technologies.

The Board of Directors is extremely pleased to have found a new leader with the depth and breadth of experience to effectively guide the organization into the future.

We look forward to working with him on continual improvement in how we regulate the province’s more than 80,000 salespeople, brokers and brokerages, and in our commitment to protecting the public interest through a fair, safe and informed marketplace.

On behalf of the entire Board of Directors I would also like to extend our gratitude to RECO staff for their dedication and hard work. RECO is fortunate to have a talented and diligent group of employees who are committed to the shared goal of effectively regulating the profession and protecting consumers.

We are confident that this talented team, under Michael’s leadership, is well equipped to serve the public and the industry in the years to come.

Mike Cusano
Chair, RECO Board of Directors